Just some thoughts on my personal life- shabby cottage/chic decor, thrifting/junking, dogs with smushed-in faces, and pretty much anything else...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rest In Peace Old Man

On Friday I had to put my beloved geriatric to sleep. He's been sick for some time now and my heart couldn't bear to watch him suffer any longer. It was one of the most difficult moments of my life. He's been my dog for over 15 years. He watched me grow up and he was the last living tie to a lot of things from my childhood.: my grandpa, my other childhood pets, and almost every trial and tribulation I've been through in the past decade and a half. I know it was the right thing to do and I am at peace with my decision. I hope Doggie Heaven is all it's cracked up to be and more.

 So rest in peace my boy. I will forever hold you and our memories close to my heart.


1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your dogs passing. My cairn terrorist will be 14 on Halloween and I am trying to prepare myself ... but how does one prepare themselves for losing a best friend who provides unconditional love? "For those who love dogs, it would be the worst form of a lie to call any place where dogs were banned "Paradise." Certainly no loving God would separate people from their canine friends for eternity."(Stanley Coren)

    Your Friend,
