Just some thoughts on my personal life- shabby cottage/chic decor, thrifting/junking, dogs with smushed-in faces, and pretty much anything else...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Busy Bee Part II

Here's some more pics from the weekend. I did some weeding, which, as it turns out is not the most fun thing ever...

The "Before".

And the "After".

Yuck look at all those weeds...

 One of the pretty flowers I discovered.

By George! There was a windmill in there too!

Helper 1.
Helper 2.


  1. Hi,

    This is my first visit to your sweet blog but I will be returning! I too own a pandora's box aka old home. Your little helpers are adorable.
    I am sorry for your recent loss.


  2. Thanks for visiting Deborah! I have also visited your blog and it is quite lovely! I look forward to exchanging ideas and stories about old house living!
